

Gourmet 长鳍金枪鱼 Lightly Salted 7.5 oz.

(78 顾客评论)




享受卓越的品质和风味,我们的美食长鳍金枪鱼, wild caught off the Oregon coast. 我们的可持续的钩和线捕鱼方法确保新鲜和质量,同时保护海洋生态系统. 我们的俄勒冈长鳍金枪鱼渔业是世界上最可持续的渔业之一!

我们的长鳍金枪鱼在其天然汁液中烹饪一次,保留其Omega-3含量. 来自俄勒冈水域的年轻金枪鱼(2-5岁)的汞含量比海外捕获的鱼低100倍, offering a healthier choice for you and your family. You don’t need to worry about mercury when you buy Oregon Albacore.

经海洋管理委员会认证,用不含双酚a的易拉罐包装, our 金枪鱼 supports sustainable practices. 与3,050 mg of Omega-3 per 100 grams, our lightly salted 长鳍金枪鱼 is a nutritional powerhouse, 太.

Our Albacore 金枪鱼 is caught, processed and canned in Oregon!

只煮一次在自己的天然果汁,以保存重要的欧米茄3和营养. The liquid in the can is the pure fish 石油.


长鳍金枪鱼 Lightly Salted Nutrition Facts

Tested: 3,050 mg Omega 3 per 100 grams.

No water, 石油 或防腐剂 are added.

MSC认证. 用不含bpa的罐头包装.

一箱是24罐. 一半是12罐.


Save $6 when you buy a case (24 cans)

SKU: 2037 类别: , 标签:


78条评论 Gourmet 长鳍金枪鱼 Lightly Salted 7.5 oz.

  1. 谢丽尔Schowengerdt

    当我们当地的市场(暂时)停止销售世界杯在哪里买球时,我们尝试了其他品牌,发现没有一个在质量和味道上接近. 我们一直是直接订货,不仅能很快收到订单,而且质量也很好, 当我们送礼物时,他们会很高兴地确保包装单上没有显示费用.


  2. 卡罗

    我喜欢这个金枪鱼!!! It is worlds apart from what you can buy in the grocery store. 我喜欢它是野生捕捞的,汞含量低,非常美味. 这部关于这个勤劳的家庭和他们的生意的纪录片给人留下了深刻的印象!!!

  3. 盖尔·肯德尔

    我喜欢这条金枪鱼——还有杂烩,还有三文鱼……装在金枪鱼汁里——完美! My cat waits (not so patiently) until I use what I want & he also gets at least a little of it. 有很多方式可以享受它! Been ordering it for so many years now, lost count!

  4. 南希Lindyberg

    I buy the lightly salted albacore 金枪鱼 and I really love it. It’s always fresh and 味道 better than others I’ve had. 而且知道它不是来自海外,这让我相信我得到了高质量的金枪鱼. I will never go back to store bought.

  5. mbev08walk

    I have been ordering and eating this 金枪鱼 for many years. 美味又健康. I buy it by the case and share it with my adult children and friends. 我们都喜欢它. Fun that Captain Herb is still on the label.

  6. 托马斯·保罗·约瑟夫

    在我的医生开出低钠饮食处方后,我在做研究时偶然发现了这种产品. 我对产品中汞含量低的信息印象深刻, 还有钠的含量. I purchased the twelve-can package and have already used several.


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